Democrats Across the Country Are Fighting to Give Coronavirus Aid to Illegal Aliens

by Jason Hopkins


Democratic lawmakers in Congress are calling on the federal government to make illegal aliens eligible for federal relief amid the coronavirus pandemic, while local and state Democratic leaders have already made their coffers available for those living unlawfully in the country.

President Donald Trump signed the CARES Act on March 27, making $2.2 trillion in stimulus funds available for families and U.S. businesses hurting under the coronavirus-induced lockdown. The relief package not only provides up to $10 million in forgivable loans for each small business, but also $1,200 to single Americans who make $75,000 or less a year.

While the stimulus package was by a wide margin in both chambers of Congress and was considered essential in the fight against COVID-19, not everyone was completely satisfied with the bill.

“I was appalled to learn hardworking, taxpaying immigrants were left out of the $2 trillion CARES Act,” California Rep. Lou Correa said in a statement released on April 3. Correa, along with 49 other House Democrats, supports the Leave No Taxpayer Behind Act which, if passed into law, would allow illegal aliens to tap into the funds provided by the CARES Act.

“By casting out immigrants, we are placing some of our most vulnerable residents in grave danger. Every individual taxpayer, irrespective of citizenship status, needs government assistance now,” Correa continued.

Among the sponsors of the Leave No Taxpayer Behind Act are Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota. All three are members of the so-called “squad” within the House Democratic caucus, a group of four first-term progressive women.

All four members have either called for the current relief package to include illegal aliens or allow them to tap into a future coronavirus relief bill.

Tlaib, for example, has proposed that the federal government issue pre-loaded debit cards with $2,000 for every individual in the country — even illegal aliens who have lived in the U.S. for as few as three months. These debit cards would be recharged with $1,000 every month until one year after the coronavirus crisis ends.

“We need to continue to make federal investments in our community health centers,” Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley, the fourth squad member, said about a new COVID-19 relief package. “We need to center the humanity of every individual family and workers and that includes not leaving behind undocumented and uninsured.”

While liberal lawmakers on Capitol Hill continue to push for financial assistance for the undocumented, Democratic-controlled cities, and even the largest state in the country, are already doing so.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot signed an executive order on Tuesday that ensured all immigrants and refugees living within city limits, no matter their legal status, are eligible to receive coronavirus benefits. The order she signed allows undocumented aliens to tap into the city’s Housing Assistance Grant program and a $100 million Chicago Small Business Resiliency Fund to help small businesses that are struggling.

“This order is more than just an official decree, it is a statement of our values as a city and as Americans,” Lightfoot said during a press briefing.

Minneapolis leaders recently rolled out a multimillion-dollar emergency housing assistance program in which households can receive as much as $2,000 each. Under the program’s qualification guidelines, the city specifically says that living in the country unlawfully is not an obstacle to receiving the funds.

Meanwhile, the state of California has allotted $50 million for a micro-lending program that will provide economic assistance to small businesses in the state that don’t otherwise qualify for the federal program, such as those run by illegal aliens.

Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom also confirmed that he is working with state legislators on a “Disaster Relief Fund” that would provide cash payments to those living unlawfully in the state until they are able to return to work or the state emergency proclamation has ended. Legislative leaders at the state capitol said talks are underway, and with the legislative body controlled by a Democratic supermajority, passage of such a proposal is likely.

“Californians care deeply about undocumented residents in this state,” Newsom said about the negotiations.

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Jason Hopkins is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.










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4 Thoughts to “Democrats Across the Country Are Fighting to Give Coronavirus Aid to Illegal Aliens”

  1. Christina Segundo

    First off this bill is for people with ITIN numbers who PAY TAXES. Not ALL of them are here ILLEGALLY and are in the process of getting their papers LIKE MY HUSBAND IS. I’m 100% born American and so are my kids. As a family we are all disqualified for stimulus checks because they intentionally left us out. We other wise qualify but because of who I’m married to and LEGALLY have to file taxes with jointly we are being discriminated against It. A lawsuit is coming. And a big one. I’m the wrong mama bear to mess with.

  2. 83ragtop50

    The only thing the illegals need from MY government is a trip back to where they came from.

    1. William Delzell

      While they are here, however, what would you do, 83ragtop50: let them get sick and contaminate the rest of us? Yea, that’s real smart! If they could return to their native countries without fear of persecution or retaliation, fine: then send them back. If their countries of origin have regained political and economical stability that our country’s century and a half foreign/military has stolen from them, then also fine: send them back. But until then, you had better expect more to come here. Besides, employers use them to do jobs that U.S. citizens like ourselves will not do. Many of these illegal aliens have put their lives at risk by serving as medical staff caring for corona patients, picking up garbage, etc. So, unless you are willing to do this dangerous and drudgery work yourself, I would be careful before sounding off about “illegals”. The person who saves your life might be an “illegal”. So, be careful who you beat up on!

      1. Bill

        Dezell. You keep blaming the United States for these illegal’s failed economies when ignoring the corruption of these foreign country’s governments. Yet we tax payers are to go spend money to rehabilitate these lands that will only become corrupted but more wealthy from our humanitarian monies afterwards. Who needs to pull their head out of the sand? Not 83ragtop50. Stop being the liberal idiot you play so well, and if you hate this country move your butt to mexico or one of the 50 other countries you expect this country to rebuild.
